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New Editor: File Manager, Safari Support

Posted on Fri, Nov 9, 2007

We've updated your site's HTML editor with many new features, including integration with your site's file manager and unofficial Safari/Opera support. Click for more info.

The biggest new feature is the ability to link directly to a file within your site's File Manager. When creating a link through the usual means, you'll now have a button labeled "Browse Server". This will allow you to choose a document from the main file manager page. Note that uploads are not supported from within the browser interface, and RealAudio/RealVideo files will not be processed correctly (we plan to add this soon).

For browser support, Opera 9.50 and Safari 3 are now unofficially supported. This means that they should work, but we're unable to provide support, as we don't have access to test them.

Please let us know any problems you run into. Thanks!